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Hanna-Barbera Wiki
Loopy De Loop

Loopy De Loop is a series of theatrical cartoon shorts created by Hanna-Barbera starring Loopy de Loop. The shorts were distributed to theaters by Columbia Pictures between 1959 and 1965. His theatrical cartoon series was the only one of its kind produced by Hanna-Barbera.

On occasion, his nephew Bon-Bon appeared as sidekick in Loopy's adventures.

Loopy has made TV appearances on Yo Yogi! and Jellystone!


  1. Wolf Hounded
  2. Little Bo Bopped
  3. Tale of a Wolf
  4. Life with Loopy
  5. Creepy Time Pal
  6. Snoopy Loopy
  7. The Do-Good Wolf
  8. Here, Kiddie, Kiddie
  9. No Biz Like Shoe Biz
  10. Count Down Clown
  11. Happy Go Loopy
  12. Two-Faced Wolf
  13. This Is My Ducky Day
  14. Fee Fie Foes
  15. Zoo Is Company
  16. Child Sock-Cology
  17. Catch Meow
  18. Kooky Loopy
  19. Loopy's Hare Do
  20. Bungle Uncle
  21. Beef for and After
  22. Swash Buckled
  23. Common Scents
  24. Bearly Able
  25. Slippery Slippers
  26. Chicken Fraca-See
  27. Rancid Ransom
  28. Bunnies Abundant
  29. Just a Wolf at Heart
  30. Chicken Hearted Wolf
  31. Watcha Watchin'?
  32. A Fallible Fable
  33. Sheep Stealers Anonymous
  34. Wolf in Sheep Dog's Clothing
  35. Not in Nottingham
  36. Drum-Sticked
  37. Crook Who Cried Wolf
  38. Habit Rabbit
  39. Raggedy Rug
  40. Elephantastic
  41. Bear Hug
  42. Trouble Bruin
  43. Bear Knuckles
  44. Habit Troubles
  45. Horse Shoo
  46. Pork Chop Phooey
  47. Crow's Fete
  48. Big Mouse-Take


On 9 September 2014, Warner Archive released Loopy De Loop: The Complete Collection on DVD in Region 1 as part of their Hanna–Barbera Classics Collection.



Loopy is a gentleman wolf who mangled the English language in his bid to converse in a French-Canadian accent, and always wore a characteristic tuque knit cap. A self-appointed good Samaritan, he dauntlessly fought to clear the bad name of wolves and would open every episode with his trademark introduction "I am Loopy De Loop, the good wolf." Though he was always kind and helpful, his exploits usually got him beaten up or chased out of town by the very people he had helped, all for no other reason than the prejudice of being a wolf. Still, he never lost faith, and considered himself "kind, considerate and charming."

The character's name was an inspired combination of a play on words:

  • "Loop the loop" is a 360-degree back flip performed by airplane stunt pilots.
  • Canis lupus is the Latin-based scientific name for the grey wolf species of the dog family, with the species' name of lupus being the basis for "loup", the French word for wolf.
  • "Loopy" is a synonym for "crazy" or "eccentric"

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