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Mother pic

Mother is a character from the ABC Weekend Special, "The Secret World of Og". She was voiced by Janet Waldo.

About Mother[]

Mother is the maternal parent of Penny, Pamela, Peter, Patsy, and Pollywog. She is a svelte, Caucasian woman with short, red hair, with arched bangs, and blue eyes. She wears a cerulean, knee-length dress with turtle-neck collar, matching high-heeled shoes, and a fancy, light, lilac apron with a pocket, as well as light, scarlet lace on the edges with matching ties. As she's always busy and preoccupied with one thing or another, she seems to be a homemaker.

Mother is perplexed about where several items that were in the house could have gone and she has no idea how or why else they could've disappeared if they couldn't have just walked away. So she asks her oldest daughter, Penny, if she had anything to do with it, which Penny denies. Her older son, Peter, informs her that youngest daughter, Patsy, has fallen into the river again. A soaked Patsy was trying to give her pet snake a drink of water. Mother tells Patsy to go change her clothes. As looking after five kids that can be a handful is challenging enough on her own, Mother scolds Penny for not doing enough to assist her. Penny contends that her younger siblings just disobey her when she tries to take action.

While Mother is back in the house and on the phone, youngest son and child overall, Pollywog, makes an escape from his crib and sneaks out of the house when she's not looking. After she gets off the phone, Mother notices Pollywog has gone missing. She goes outside again to search for him, but he doesn't get too far, as he crawls right into her. Having a hard time with being alert of the kids' whereabouts by herself, she calls her other kids. They gather with Mother, who has Penny handle them for a while and tells Patsy to stay away from the river.

Later, after the kids return home from their adventure, Mother calls the kids for dinner. She's completely unaware of what the kids had been through the whole time. She asks them if any of them has seen yet another item that has vanished from their home: Her hat. The kids deny seeing it and knowing anything about it. She tells them to let her know if they do happen to find it. The kids then look out a window and see Og was the one who took her hat and is wearing it.
