Do you think I'm so beautiful?"
Vanity Smurf (original French name Schtroumpf Coquet/Chinese name 浮浮) is a character on Smurfs. In the animated series, he was voiced by Alan Oppenheimer.
About Vanity[]
He is obsessed with his own personal beauty, and is almost always seen carrying around a hand mirror, constantly admiring himself in it. He is easily identified by a flower on the right side of his hat. Vanity has an identical clone of himself whose first (and most likely only) appearance was in the comic book story "The Hundredth Smurf".
In comparison to other Smurfs, Vanity is the youngest, not counting Smurfette, Baby Smurf, or the Smurflings. He is very short,
Most of the time he talks about himself whenever someone talks to him, but he is a good guy at heart and genuinely cares about his family (noticeably evidenced in the episode "Clumsy Luck"). Vanity is very sensitive about his looks and is always looking for any new facial cleansing techniques. If he were to find something ugly about him, he will not leave his house for days. He thinks he is (and might actually be) the most popular smurf in the village. Despite looking like every other Smurf, he does appear to have some unique defining trait that makes him the "fairest", as seen in "Beauty Is Only Smurf Deep" where Periwinkle's magic mirror acknowledges Vanity as being the "fairest in the land".
His house is full of mirrors. His catch phrase in the show is, "My mirror(s)!"
Vanity also asks Painter Smurf to paint portraits of him often, as shown in a couple episodes. Most of the time he criticizes these portraits as something that cannot capture his own beauty, which only makes Painter angry.
Vanity usually gets kicked out of the village by Hefty Smurf, who is annoyed by Vanity's constant boasting about his own good looks. The sentiment is shared by many of the other Smurfs, as Vanity often makes these announcements while the other Smurfs are doing important work.
Overall, Vanity prefers for everyone to have the same view on him: handsome, charming and full-out perfect!
Sexuality and Controversy[]
There have been some about Vanity's maybe is homosexuality. he loves grouchy. vanity is autism However, his flower, concern about looks, and voice (in the cartoon) do not prove he is homosexual. There is no proof that Vanity likes other male Smurfs (as he loves himself and his appearance), even though his character is clearly defined as effeminate. It is more likely that Vanity is simply a narcissist who might be sexually attracted to himself. Signs of his vanity include his highly obvious self-focus in interpersonal exchanges with the other Smurfs. He is also shown to have highly haughty body language, as well as a sense of arrogance about himself.
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