Wake, Rattle & Roll is an American television series, produced by Hanna-Barbera for first-run syndication in 1990. Sam (R.J. Williams) and his robot friend, DECKS (voice of Rob Paulsen), presented two animated segments, Fender Bender 500 and Monster Tails. Other characters included Debbie, Sam's older sister, whom he addressed as "Mutant Woman" and set off Sam's "Debbie Detector" whenever she was close by; Sam's best friend KC, a black girl who lived next door to Sam's family, and Sam's grandfather, who built DECKS from pinball machine parts.
When the Disney Channel reran the series in 1991, the title was changed to Jump, Rattle & Roll. To compensate for the absence of commercials, the show's third animated segment alternated between Dino & Cavemouse and Undercover Elephant.
- Terri Ivens as Debbie
- Rob Paulsen as the voice of DECKS
- Avery Schreiber as Grandpa Quirk
- Ebonie Smith as KC
- R.J. Williams as Sam